Shamsee is dumb
Shamsee is dumb.

Hey! If you’re seeing this, you’ve either read through all of our Shamsee comic or just randomly navigated to this page. Either way, hey, what’s up?

The short version of this is that SHAMSEE will no longer be updating. Oh crap, what? Right?

The long version: I started writing Shamsee in 2013. I was living in California and Shamsee had already appeared in two of my fantasy novels, as a side character who famously told one of the main characters that if she wanted to make her boobs bigger, she should rub onions on them. This led to a t-shirt that became an inside joke and my Spouse wishing for a Shamsee comic. Shamsee was a pretty ridiculous character, very similar to other characters I generally enjoy and so on a bench in a park, I started writing the Shamsee script, with pen and in a journal. Later on when we moved back to Portland we ran into/reconnected with Adrian Ricker, and I saw his comic, Gwen and the Green Thief. I eventually asked Adrian if he was interested in doing a Shamsee graphic novel and he said yes. Several hundreds of hours of work (most of it Adrian, because drawing takes a lot of time) later and a Kickstarter, we had the first Shamsee. In 2015 I wrote Shamsee 2 and in 2016 we Kickstarted and released it.

A lot has changed in 5 years. Adrian and I have taken part in different projects, moved, gotten dogs, ducks, rehomed ducks, marriages happened, more stuff I can even mention. We’re both different creators now and as we are thinking about next steps, what we want to do and what we have the time and energy for, we’ve decided Shamsee is well out of our focus. I have a veritable pile of prose I am working on, Adrian has an original concept he’s working on and he has been illustrating, honestly, he’s really great, check it out.

I had a plan for 5 Shamsee’s! But plans change. If you’ve enjoyed Shamsee these past few years, we’re honestly glad. We’re honored by every reader we’ve had, who has enjoyed all the jokes and gags and sexy times and murder times. Thank you for enjoying our story where we tried to make everyone feel all the things. We know you have limited time and energy to partake of media and so we are grateful for giving it to us and sharing in our creation. We hope we all have many more chances to laugh, love and make the most out of the chaos that is life.

Maybe we SHOULD be more like Shamsee.


Once again, thank you. We hope you keep up with our work and that this page finds you in happy times.

Tristan J. Tarwater and Adrian Ricker (and Michelle Nguyen and Chrisanthropic)